These are some handy Rhino scripts/aliases developed on the occasion of the recording of the two wrecks Svælget 1 (VIR 2964) and Svælget 2 (VIR2965). Note that they need to be adapted to your Rhino template and scripts placed in the appropriate Rhino folder.
Author Archive: Mikkel
VIR AnnScan Rhino templates
These are the three basic Rhino templates developed on the occasion of the recording of the two wrecks Svælget 1 (VIR 2964) and Svælget 2 (VIR2965).
Based on these, additional project-specific templates have been created such as ‘centreline_longitudinal’ and ‘starboard_longitudinal’.
The Layer book is in Danish only – feel free to translate it or indeed make it bilingual. I will be happy to re-upload the result.
VIR AnnScan recording manual
This recording manual was developed on the occasion of the recording of the two wrecks Svælget 1 (VIR 2964) and Svælget 2 (VIR2965) and is a work-in-progress document. The manual refers to certain custom scripts, render libraries, and templates. It is based on Museum Sydøstdanmark’s manual for the recording of the Køge 2 site (KNV00804) which in turn is based on the then LAKD manual. We are grateful for these contributions.
Future DN2A meeting/workshop topics
What would you like to address at future DNNA meetings? More lectures? More practical exercises? Specific methods and technologies? I invite you to place your vote on any and all of the topics on this list or – importantly – add your own ideas.
The list has been compiled following discussions at past gatherings and is intended as a live document providing a roadmap for the network and assisting members contemplating hosting future DN2A meetings or worhshop.